Monday, August 29, 2005

[Cygwin] using Cygwin to make .cmd files. Eeeww...

Actually the whole thing is a bizarre mix of Cygwin, Win2k CMD and Euphoria. When I get some more time I'll go into the issue a little more deeply. Here's the line that the title refers to:

Thursday, August 25, 2005

[VBScript/HTA] Broggle on Steroids

Big changes to Broggle.hta. No more #code/#endcode etc. Just #text, #code, #quot and #end. Now the HTA is more in line with the MetaCard and Tcl version at home on the iBook. I've also put in a preview button (which should probably be somewhere other than where it is right now) which puts the conversion results into a <DIV> at the bottom (thus the scrollbar at the side.)


[VBScript] Classes in VBScript, the definitive article?

Article Information
Article Title: - Using Classes within VBScript
Article Author: Mark Lidstone
Published Date: Thursday, September 23, 1999
Article URL:

[VBScript] Changes to existing stuff

Just a couple of changes. To the Container class I've added

    public sub Clear
        redim vat(0)
        itemCount = 0
    end sub

and I forgot to include the DQuote for PArray

Function DQuote( aText )
    DQuote = Chr( 34 ) & aText & Chr( 34 )
End Function

[VBScript] Arrays within arrays and debugging them

Array() can contain Array(). I do it lots. But there's the issue of debugging things and of knowing what's in an array full of embedded arrays.

So I wrote PArray().
Tcl has a function of the same name which does the same thing. And the output looks very like an Euphoria sequence (now there's a nice language) but you can change that if you want to.

I suppose the next thing to do is to write a compiler of PArray() decompilations that would allow me to write nested arrays out to a text file and then read them back in. One day.

[VBScript] My first class

A "Container" class, which I can add stuff to and then pull it all out nicely Join()-ed or else as a raw array. And the nice thing is I can have multiple collections rather than the single instance thing I had a couple of days ago. Some test code ran like this:

Monday, August 22, 2005

Template changes

Right, now we have black code instead of that faded out look. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of CSS.

Good news about Modula-2 on Mac OS X

Hooray! Finally I get to leverage all my Modula-2 skill into the Mac OS X environment. Bring on the Objective Modula-2!! Objective Modula-2 and An Overview of Objective Modula-2 by the founder of the project, Benjamin Kowarsch. See also Objective Modula-2 – A Discussion and Working Paper

Friday, August 19, 2005

Leftovers after a meal of Bruce the Goose

I had a blog. It was called "Bruce the Goose" (aka Virtual Unknowns) and it listed programming languages and tried unsuccessfully to keep up with them all. The names of all that I found are in the links list on the left. If you find any dead links or want to suggest additions or changes, please contact me.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Broggle - a blogging tool in an HTML application

Okay, now a quick shift from straight VBScript to VBScript inside an HTML application. It's to deal with formatting issues I have with Blogger. The solution is probably way simpler than this.

Saved as Broggle.hta and then double-click launched in Explorer.

Just put "#code" and "#endcode" around code and "#text" and "#endtext" around text, click on [Evaluate], then click on [Copy to Clipboard], and then paste into the blog.

How I used the CalculateState function

It's awful, and I'm glad I don't have to follow this any further. By the way, if you see any routines you would like to see elucidated, please let me know.

Toward a state table generator (VBScript)

This bit of code I used to create a two-state table for 5 variables. It would have been fairly easy to add more states -- by changing the if to a select case in 'state' and giving the for loops more things to loop through -- and to add more variables -- by specifying another loop and and another call to 'state'.

I won't be writing the generator ... the whole need for state tables disappeared in a meeting earlier today.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Once I wrote a global search and replace ...

... and now I find that a simple bit of unix command line replaces hundreds of lines of MoonRock BASIC.

$ for x in *.chk; do cat $x | sed -e s/Database=/Filename=/ > tmp; mv tmp $x; done

Get every file ending in .chk, pipe it through sed to change the relevant string, capture the result into a temporary file and then copy it over the original.

Found another use for Eval() in VBScript - state tables

Imagine trying to keep track of all possible combinations of four variables. Big if/then/else/end if, right? Not necessarily.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Cygwin again - Oh how I love the unix command line

$ getclip | gawk '{ print "convert.vbs /profile:" $1 ".cvt\ndaily.vbs /profile:" $1 ".dly\n" }' | putclip

It gets the word I put in the clipboard (selected and copied out of SciTe) and puts back on the clipboard the word as commands and filenames to be pasted back in. For example, I put


on the clipboard, reissue the command, and get

convert.vbs /profile:Marble_Bar.cvt
daily.vbs /profile:Marble_Bar.dly

HTA - HTML applications

I've played with this one from time to time and would like sometime to take it a bit further. It's a text editor written as an HTML application, good for doing CScript and WScript.

Simple VBScript Development Tool

It's also good an example of what you can do with HTML applications, especially the idea of being able to put a functional interactive GUI front end over VBScript (and JScript).

Monday, August 15, 2005

A printf for VBScript - derivative work

Uwe Keim, on the CodeProject site, has a "printf"-ish VBScript function. Here's my version (which I now realise is almost word for word the same as someone else's take on Uwe's original.) So ...

Sven Axelsson, on the above site, has a version of Uwe's original, called "FormatMessage-like formatting in VBScript" which looks almost exactly like that below (except he calls his "Fmt", rather than "Subst").
function Subst(str, args)
    dim res
    dim i
    res = str

    for i = 0 to UBound(args)
        res = Replace(res, "%" & CStr(i+1) & "%" , args(i) )

    res = Replace(res, "\n", vbCrLf)
    res = Replace(res, "\t", vbTab)

    Subst = res
end function
And an example of use:
theSelector = "SELECT * FROM %1% WHERE [aKey] >= (DATESERIAL(%2%, %3%, %4% ) + TIMESERIAL( %5%, 0, 0 )) AND [aKey] <= (DATESERIAL(%2%, %3%, %4% ) + TIMESERIAL( %5%, 59, 59 ))"
theSelect = Subst( theSelector, Array( theTable, theYear, theMonth, theDay, theHour ) )

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Synthetic include in VBScript

On the Rube Goldberg Memorial Scripting Page there's a synthetic include for VBScript which I use for everything. Thus the "StdFunctions.vbs" of the previous post.

Cygwin, bash, grep, gawk, tclsh, VBScript

What a combination!! I've found Cygwin enormously helpful. Take the following snippet for example, which extracts the names of all the Subs and Functions from my library file into a file, and then hands that file on to a tcl script.
grep -i '^Function ' StdFunctions.vbs >func.lst
grep -i '^Sub ' StdFunctions.vbs >> func.lst
cat func.lst | gawk -F " " '{ print $2 }' | gawk -F "(" '{ print $1 }' > Routines.lst
rm func.lst
tclsh routines.tcl
The output file, Routines.lst, looks like this (partially)
Routines.tcl takes this, and an internally specified list of files to check (which I could have coded so as to specify on the commandline) and then tells me whether any of these routines are referred to in the list of files.
set mm 0

proc searchFile {theFile theString} {
#puts "Searching $theFile for $theString"
set h [open $theFile r]
set d [split [read $h] \n]
close $h
set c 0
set m 0
foreach dline $d {
incr c
if {[string match -nocase "*${theString}*" $dline] == 1} then {
  set m 1
  #puts "$theFile $c: $dline"
return $m

set vlist [list Create.vbs Daily.vbs NewBatchPrepare.vbs convert.vbs]

set h [open Routines.lst r]
set flist [split [read $h] \n]
close $h

foreach fitem $flist {
if { $fitem == "" } { continue }
set mm 0

foreach vfile $vlist {
if { $vfile == "" } { continue }
#puts "To search for $fitem in $vfile"
set r [searchFile $vfile $fitem]
if {$r == 0} {
  #puts "No sign of $fitem in $vfile"
set mm [expr {$mm + $r}]
if { $mm < 1 } {
   puts "No sign at all of $fitem"
It's not foolproof. Some routines are used internally by StdFunctions.vbs. But it's helpful.

Data is Code, Code is Data -- VBScript

Interesting ...
wscript.echo eval( "dateserial( " & _
             eval( "join( array( 1996,12,10 ), "","")" ) & _
             ")" )
I think I can do this in Tcl too. Now to find a use for it ...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Mexican IF in VBScript

The trouble with an IIF, at least in VBScript, is that both the true and the false get evaluated on invocation:
Function IIF( theCond, theTrue, theFalse )
        Dim theResult
        If theCond Then
                theResult = theTrue
                theResult = theFalse
        End If
        IIF = theResult
End Function
So I tried delaying evaluation:
Function EIF( theValue, theTest, theTrue, theFalse )
        Dim theResult
        Dim theBool
        theTest = Replace( theTest, "$1", "theValue" )
        theTrue = Replace( theTrue, "$1", "theValue" )
        theFalse = Replace( theFalse, "$1", "theValue"
        theBool = Eval( theTest )
        If theBool = True Then
                theResult = Eval( theTrue )
                theResult = Eval( theFalse )
        End If
        EIF = theResult
End Function
Calling it was to work like this,
        i = 1
        j = EIF(i,"$1=1","$1", "$1*$1")
That is, if i = 1 then j = i else j = i * i. If I'd just used IIF it would have been
        i = 1
        j = IIF(i=1,i,i*i)
and the true and false parts would have been evaluated before invocation of the IIF function.
I gave up in the end, but it was fun ... sort of.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Binary Clock - SNOBOL4

I didn't want to have something ordinary as the first post. So we do SNOBOL4. Other implementations of this algorithm can be found on the Snobol4 Wiki.

What do you do with 20 year's worth of code?

I can't throw it all away, so I'm putting it up here for all to see. Mostly gravel ... the odd gem. Might be good for something or someone, even as an example how not to do something.